Business School + MBA

News| MBA Market


FT’s global MBA ranking 2018 – an analysis

Asian business schools are gaining more and more importance. And ten years after the world financial ...

News| Business Schools


Stanford offers new Executive Education programme about data analytics

Stanford’s new Executive programme “Big Data, Strategic Decisions: Analysis to Action” aims at ...

News| Business Schools

Romaine / wikimedia

Maastricht School of Management taps into technology trend

The Netherlands’ Maastricht School of Management has overhauled its full-time MBA course and now ...

News| Admissions

The five hardest MBA interview questions

MBA consultant Stacy Blackman has many good tricks and tips up her sleeve. In an article for US ...

News| Business Schools

The Lisbon

The Lisbon MBA starts new Executive MBA programme

The Lisbon MBA – a joint programme between Católica-Lisbon School of Business and Economics and Nova ...

News| MBA Market

Michigan’s Ross

The future of MBA education

Scott DeRue, the dean of University of Michigan’s Ross School of Business, claims the old model of ...

News| MBA Market


Artificial Intelligence and the traditional MBA

Particularly in the U.S. business schools are developing their MBA curricula to include a deeper ...

Jobs + Careers



Quiz: How future-proof are you?

We are all working two jobs: the position we were hired to fill, plus the “job-within-the-job” – ...

News| Career + Application

leremy / fotolia

The Labour Market in 2030

By the end of the 2020s, automation may eliminate 20 to 25 per cent of current jobs, hitting middle- ...

News| Leadership + Management

peshkova / fotolia

The coming wave of digital disruption

All disruption is defined as industry-wide change, forcing a significant shift in profitability from ...

Jobguide E-Magazines


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Annette Eicker

Humperdinckstraße 24
40593 Düsseldorf

Tel.: (0211) 31 13 89-0
Fax: (0211) 31 13 89-29

Redaktion: Kirstin von Elm, Annette Eicker

Umsatzsteuer-ID: DE 119389770


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